Saturday, January 14, 2012

a bit of winter bundling...

been doing a bit of winter rust bundling this morning. playing with my new rusty treasures in an attempt to rust some suns, and maybe the odd moon or two, into a selection of salvaged cloth. it will be a two part project. first rust the suns, then play around with some hybridized shibori techniques using some old scrapbooking fabric dyes that i found tucked away. forgotten, in the oubliette. don't even know of they make these dyes anymore. but i've got some, so i guess it doesn't really matter. it's amazing what i can find in the oubliette when i really start digging! i think i may even have spotted my new airbrush. now old. but still new, in the package, as i've never used it!

now, i can already hear some of you saying, "rust dyeing?! in the middle of winter?! but you need sunshine and heat to encourage the rust to flourish! those are gonna take forever!" but, being somewhat tricksy myself, i have a solution to this issue! sunny windowsills and extra thick zip lock bags. "wha-?!?" you say. yuppers! mini-makeshift hot houses for rust cultivation! who could ask for anything better?

as you can see, these bundles have only been in the mini-makeshift hot houses for a few hours before i got a chance to snap some pictures and a few of them are already taking off like bandits! some of these little buggers might be ready for stage two before you know it!

as you can see, we are finally seeing a little bit of winter. so strange for us to be half way through january and only now getting a taste of winter. i have a feeling spring may be a long way off this year... maybe, if i can kick this dastardly cold, i might even get some snowboarding in this year?!



  1. glad to see the weather doesn't stop you from your rust bundling. be sure to post the results.

    1. but, of course, deanna! after all, i'm feeling rather like you in my experimentations here. ha!

  2. thanks so much for the lovely comment on my blog I see you are still deying looking forwerd to the result

    1. from time to time, i dabble once again. with so many techniques, out there, it all too often feels rather like being a kid in a very large candy store!

  3. The bundles are wonderful! I have done rust in winter outside. The freeze/thaw cycle seems to add more texture (black plastic bags on a bench in the sun left for a couple of days). We have the cold, but no snow yet. It is coming. I agree about spring, we had a late one last year. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday.

    1. thanks, jeannie! i'll have to toss a couple outside in the snow then! though they are progressing so swiftly already, i may have to bundle a few more to toss out the window! ha!

  4. oh, promising bundles....stay warm

    1. sometimes, easier said than done...but always a welcome wish! svaha!

