Thursday, September 8, 2011

you gotta start somewhere!

“start where you are.
use what you have.
do what you can.”
–arthur ashe.

it is interesting how one can subscribe to the idea of using what we have, and yet still feel compelled to go out and find more. more things to buy (or, in some cases, hoard). more things to do. more things to see. 

i can certainly see that in myself. whenever i start a new creative venture or take a new direction in my art, i rush out and begin a new collection of supplies and inspirations, be they physical, mental or social. the immense collections of previous artistic directions get boxed and set aside after a quick sort through for immediate applications and then, frequently, sadly forgotten until they overflow their space and begin to look for new homes...or new uses.

for example...i've been a quilter for far too many years than i care to admit...and a fiber artist for far too many more. most recently, as i've moved more and more into recycle mode in my art, i've gone out and scavenged the countryside for luscious vintage fabrics, garments, castoffs and found fibers. but what about the sewing room filled to overflowing with more current (within the past five or so years) purchases of quilting fabrics? batiks. prints. calicos. plaids. you name it, i've got it. and tons of it!! wouldn't you think i'd look to these first? but, noooo! i've got to dash out and acquire someone else's collection of rags and tatters to create my "recycled" art with. (sigh) what a sad, sorry commentary. there is something quite backasswards here...

and so, in the spirit of starting where i am and using what i have, i am looking at my studio remodel in a whole different light! add to this the myriad of directions into which i am currently stretched professionally, socially, and artistically, and you have quite the recipe for potential disaster...or great chaos from which may emerge wonderful creativity! (i personally am vying for the latter!)  so i have devoted at least 30 minutes every day toward creating space. clearing what i have. sorting. assembling. organizing. sending what needs no longer to reside here, elsewhere. finding new homes for they in my own home or someone else's.

then, i am pledging to devote at least 30 minutes of each day toward actually creating! it seems like it's been a while since i have done this as i seem to get caught up in the space and time management game. but my spirit is starving for its creative outlet and i have little choice but to give it its own space to thrive.

perhaps these will be the threadcrumbs that will eventally lead me out of this forest of chaos...



  1. I suspect you've just described what it means to be a vibrant, creative being. Follow those crumbs!

  2. yay! bravely go...


  3. i have vowed to give away what i know i will never use and i have been pretty good in the past few months in using only what i have. well, there were a few minor slips but i'm getting better. not an easy task you have set out for yourself but you can do it.

  4. Ha, I know exactly what you mean! That is me all over. My self diagnosis is I am very much an Air person (Libran!)and I tend to live in my head way more than I spend time actually *doing*. I need more Earth, and perhaps more Fire too, to find a balance between dreaming and planning and thinking and gathering supplies and being inspired... and actually creating!

  5. Clearing and organizing must be in the air... I'm on an ENORMOUS roll with that... kind of obsessed, maybe we're nesting before winter, preparing for more time to be creative? I do hope that is so, cause I, too, have been waaaay too long away from creative work.

  6. You have been peeking in my head! Why do we feel the need to always hunt out new stuff. We could shop for months within our own walls...ha!

    great post...shishi

  7. I am with you on this post.
    I have been told it is a sign of old age when you say: "I am not going to buy more, just use what is in my stash" and i wonder how that applied to the early quilters/stitchers who had little to start with. For me I would like a big SWAP where we could all acquire new stuff with using any resourses.
    Got any yellow to spare?

  8. aha! i'm rather certain i have some spare yellows kicking about in the studio! email me your mailing address privately and i'd be happy to send you some!

  9. shishi, one of the fun things, however, has been to "shop" my own studio and storage. i have been finding some rather fun things...many of which i don't even remember buying in the first place!


  10. valerianna, i too hope this clearing will make room for more creative endeavours...although, i've also been trying to look at the very process of clearing as being part of the process itself! it's not been easy...but it has held many a surprise!

  11. thanks deanna! i hope so... either way, youa re quite *is* a daunting task! and it doesn't get any easier by the day...

  12. Kathryn, being a Gemini I know exactly what you mean. Joe, I too am suffering from years of "collecting" and had already decided to buy NO MORE supplies/fabrics/technique books etc.... after October 31st. And have invited some sewing friends over to come search through my stash and take away what they will use. For me, too much "stuff" brings immobilization.

  13. yes! too much stuff does appear to bring immobilization! as does working too much!

  14. Hello Joe, I know I am late to this party ;)
    I am nodding my head as I read your post and saying "That's me, that's me"
    I have also decided to lighten the stash and do more sewing. We will see.

  15. Hi Joe, sorry I haven't been around much. life is running away with me. Enjoy reading this post because I think you are talking about me (sad face here!). I totally agree with everything said here. Thank you, thank you for spelling it out for me - I love you Nat
