Friday, December 2, 2011

a quiet morning musing...

i still can't seem to shake this fog that overhangs everything i do. there seems to be a ray or two of sunlight valiantly aspiring to pierce the haze. the gentle warmth is greatly appreciated as i turn my chilled creative cheek into its glow. in an attempt to nurture this gift, i delved into my scrap basket and gathered a small offering of sleeves, pockets and other bits, then began to cut little 1 1/2 inch squares from them.

my idea is to begin a little mindful needle chanting. nothing grand. tiny squares, chanted into something more. the intention is much like sitting (in a buddhist sense) and simply allowing what it will become to unfold. being human and therefore possessing of selfness, there is a quiet attachment lurking that it will, one day, manifest itself as a bed cloth. but i can't think that far into the future. i shall only choose two squares and begin needling them together...

yes. yes. i know this will appear to be "yet another project." and when i have so many others already left unfinished. but there are times, and this is most certainly one of them, when the creative mind simply will not come to heel. in those moments, it is difficult to concentrate. focus. create. my intention here is to find something ultimately creative, that requires no creative thought in the moment, to distract the mind from the lingering ennui and, hopefully, shake loose the imprisoned creativity languishing in the bottom of some dark place.

in the meantime, i have one more photo of my other needling to share with you...

this photo is not as clear as previous ones, but shows the coloring of the blue fu lion. my skin was still a little tender, so we did not work on the background much this time around. i think this one will rest and heal for at least a month this time before we continue...

but now, some mindful needle chanting for an hour or two before i head into town for a bit...



  1. your mindful needle chanting is a great idea. i have started to do my scribble stitch in meditative stitching that serves this same purpose. no thinking involved--just scribbling stitch that is.

  2. i believe that we are both onto something here. the other component i am looking at is to let go of those expectations that arise when creating. not only in this, but even in specific projects. it seems that it may be those very expectations that derails us (or me, at least). the experiment will be more like eco-dyeing, in the sense that we can put together a number of elements with general ideas of what may come of it...but, ultimately, the cloth will manifest in whatever way it will. regardless of our expectations or desires!

  3. When I'm there, and that's often, it's either do a load of laundry or start on a nine-patch. Right on. The tat looks great, Joe. I could definitely see needing a rest!

  4. I love your expression of needle chanting. Sometimes the energy to create just takes a holiday. I will join you in the chant. What you said about expectations is so true. The sleeve is amazing. The colors are gorgeous. Rest, relax, chant.

  5. Amazing what colour and pattern the threadless tattoo needles stitched to your skin... I'll be needle chanting today too.

  6. When life presents too much for me, and it has been a lot this past year, I try to do little things that give me a sense of accomplishment. I, like you, have sooo many projects just waiting in the wings...
    At times I have felt overwhelmed by it all, that is when these small projects are a gift. A gift of focus, simplicity and "no worries". It's all good!

    Your tattoo is coming along nicely.

  7. Fabulous dragon! Love it! I am needle chanting little felt blocks for the Christmas tree. Something the new kitten can knock off that won't smash. She loves the tree, her first Christmas. It makes me look at it with new eyes. Sometimes I think it is an odd tradition, bringing the outdoors in but the tree and it's lights always makes me smile. A celebration of life! What could be better.

  8. tattoo's looking good, and somehow echoed in those little blocks. Hope that just doing and being works it's balm - only 12 days to go and the world starts to turn towards the sun again and our days will be getting longer. That's a good thing to celebrate even if the Christmas thing leaves you wistful

  9. thanks, kat! i'm pleased with it so far. but so much more needling to do before the sleeve is finished!

    needle chanting has been calming. sometimes i mix it up and do a little thread chanting instead. either way, there has been a thread of peace passing through the fabric of life...

