it's always strange when the tides of life rise up and abruptly sweep aside one's plans and aspirations...
shortly after beginning the remodel on my studio, two co-workers announced their immediate resignations due to school and other forces at work, and so i've been pitching in and working entirely too many hours... which, of course, has all but precluded any work in the studio. not that this has had all negative attributes, however...
i have been pushed into looking more closely at my work and my aspirations thereto. i have been shown a myriad of internal sabotaging ideas and thoughts. fears of success...and failure. unfounded personal views about myself. my work. it's crazy how these sorts of negative ideas can seep up into the fabric of your life, often without your even noticing until it is too late and they have woven themselves into everything that you do. so i am working on eradicating, or at least minimizing, these thoughts and ideas... seeking a more balanced view of myself and my work...
i have also discovered...or rather, realized, that i have little focus in my work at the moment. generally, i do not consider this a problem as i enjoy exploring avenues of creativity whenever they present themselves. but i am beginning to feel like i need to find at least one focus i can anchor the rest of my work upon. a theme. an idea. something.... i'm not entirely certain what this will be. i will be exploring some possibilities here in the coming weeks. meanwhile, i am applying myself to some of my many works in progress and will be seeking guidance from their quiet whispers...
perhaps the quiet hum of daily thread-chanting will whisper some direction? one can only remain open the possibilities...
to this end, i think i shall be listening more and talking less for a while...though i shall be more present here on my blog. more than likely there will be more pictures and less words? only time will tell...