Sunday, March 20, 2011

moon hype

"the moon looks upon many night flowers,
the night flowers see but one moon."
- jean ingelow

what i expected to see


what i saw instead

it's strange what perspective can do to one's perception of things.  with all of the media hype yesterday, i expected to see a huge, gigantimongous glowing orb bouncing ponderously on the horizon....blotting out the surrounding sky. obscuring millions of stars.  instead, i was presented with a moon like most others. distant. pale. diminutive.

i was disappointed.

perhaps i'll find the moon i was looking for in fragments and cloth when i get home tonight....



  1. haha that's funny! I knew it was so light out last night, but didn't know why until I saw friend's FB posts about it. I wish we had seen what you thought we were going to see!

  2. Where I am, I noticed the moon was exceptionally bright, almost hard to look at. Actually it was, I could not stare at it long.

  3. Well, I think your photo is quite wondrous and magical and mysterious, even though the moon didn't fill the whole sky! My photos make the moon look like a lightbulb in a distant closet!

  4. My experience was as identically disappointing as yours. It looked just like yours too...I wrote to someone that, alas, I must be a Harvest Moon person...

    Here's too bigger glorious moons to come!!!


  5. wow, marie! that's cool! it may have been brighter here, but for all the clouds...

  6. I had the same reaction as you. The moon was very bright, but I was expecting the huge moon like we had in 2008. Oh well, it was pretty, I saw it, and I didn't have to go out in the snow like I did for the eclipse! Have a great week.

  7. I am so glad you lassoed the moon for me. It looks just fabulous on the snow flower quilt:) It makes me smile every time I walk by.

    For a little different perspective, I've been known to moon, and it's definitely bigger! LOL

  8. It was as bold and bright as can be here in a cloudless sky.

  9. oh, wanda, you always make me giggle uncontrollably...getting people to wonder if it's time to call in the professionals or something...

  10. that's what overblown expectations are for - being disappointing! I enjoyed my moon in Sussex by the sea, perhaps the sea helped add a note of mystery. Your picture of it looks lovely - a mindful steady hand or a tripod?
