Wednesday, March 23, 2011

tusker moon gets his blossoms

it snowed today. unexpectedly. after two weeks of beautiful weather. a sneaky storm just swept through and dropped wet, cloying snow on our heads.  all day. all evening. it doesn't seem to be anywhere near completing itself and moving on...

so, rather than sleep between shifts (as any reasonable person may have done), i sat and worked on tusker moon. he was whispering too loudly for anyone to sleep anyway! 

i decided he needed a bit more definition, so added some chain stitch. did some random seed stitch grass and then began stitching in the flowers.  i don't think i'm quite done with the flowers and grass yet.  but the moon began whispering in my other ear and it tickled. so i finished rounding her out and then stitched in that whispering mouth and observant eyes. she seems somewhat surprised. perhaps she's never seen an elephant dance before...


p.s.  updates may be a bit sporadic for a bit.  the evil monster at&t has bought out alltel and is in the process of screwing up everyone's service!  i end up with server errors more often than i get a signal, so i'll be needing to head into town and sit at the local coffeehouse to get a reliable signal. i'd rather sit at home and stitch my elephants and felines and whatever other critters present themselves amongst my fragments...


  1. Just look at that elephant celebrating your snowy moon. Such a happy piece.

  2. Joe, this is such a joyful piece...I hope it is a reflecting how you are feeling.
    Love the moon...elephant dancing :) The stitches on the dark side of the moon are wonderful.

  3. Love it! The elephant and the moon! Good luck wit AT&T and don't work too hard. xoxo

  4. I absolutely adore this piece! What a joyful expression of Spring whispering through Winter's last hurrah. My daughter Tammi, who lives in Wyoming, wants to plant flowers so much, but she knows there's got to be another snow hurrah around the corner somewhere. They've been having a gorgeous past week also. You"re only a few hours away from them.
    I can't wait to see more of your critter cloths.

    ;~) Debi

  5. Your moon has a kitty face, and I love her. The elephant goes without saying, he is so joyful, tossing all those flowers to the sky, and singing with delight. You surely must be in an improved state to create something this celebratory.

  6. It's turning out wonderfully! Love it!

  7. I also like the fact that the moon is the size of the elephant! So it's a grand moon:)

    Hey, sold my other steam punk doll. Gosh, now I shall have to make myself another!

  8. Its joyful and playful and I adore the moons face! Quite quite beautiful! Is it for sale?!!!!

  9. thank you everyone! dipping in quickly while running some errands and stopping for a coffee...

  10. congratulations, wanda! that's wonderful! george is loving her new home in my studio and flying about town to visit friends and elders....

  11. thank you, liniecat! yes, it will be, as soon as i finish it up. i'll send you an email when i'm ready to put it in my shop!

  12. I love the moon's face and the flowers dancing around Tusker. Take care and know that we are thinking of you. REST!!!
