Saturday, April 2, 2011

eye candy this week

since i still can't get online at home, and i have always believed that is a good thing to foster community, i just thought i'd take a moment and share a few of the sites i've enjoyed this week while surfing around (click on each photo to take you to the original post and your browser's "back" button to bring you back here, or right click and select "open in new window" to check them out without leaving this site)...

there are so many more delights i would love to share with you...but there is only so much room and time...



  1. thanks for all the eye candy and for sending people over to my blog. the eyes are on the way.

  2. anytime, deanna! it's always a pleasure dropping by your blog!

    oh, goodie, goodie, goodie!! eyes! eyes! eyes!

  3. Oh, my! What a lovely collection - and thank you for including one of my Dreams - I love knowing that you like it. :-)

  4. Oh! How surprised I was to see my spiral here.... a lovely collection of images. I enjoyed browsing around on other's blogs.

    I love deanna7trees statement "the eyes are on the way", I imagine she is referring to something that is finding its way to you in the post, but I had a vision of a pair of eyeballs saying goodbye to deanna at the station, grabbing their suitcases and getting onboard, of course accompanied by the "eye chaperone" who makes sure that lone eyes make it to their destination.... what a snippet! Kind of Charlie Chaplin wobbling eyes on the platform!

  5. great eye candy .......thanks for introducing more talented artists that I didn't know about and spreading the word for 'birds for Japan '...x

  6. Wowsers, that is a LOT of eye candy, i especially love the little japan birdies, what a great fundraising idea!

  7. ha! valerianna, how could i not include your marvelous spirals?! i was mesmerized!

    yes, deanna's eyes reference is to something amazingly wonderful and generous that is on its way...i can hardly wait, too! however, i enjoyed your idle speculation about them! the mentals were hysterical! i'm still chuckling mindlessly as i wake my elders up...

  8. Joe,
    I feel like I've been on
    an adventurous journey!
    Lots of beautiful treasures at
    my finger tips.
    Thank you kind, Sir!

  9. Wow, Joe, how surprised and honoured I was to be included among all that lovely work. I'm off to explore now...Thanks.

  10. Hey Joe, thanks for all the eye candy and for sending people over to my blog. It's an honor to have my prayers flag featured here. How very kind of you - Hugs Nat
