Friday, April 29, 2011

another milagro heart in progress

it would seem that the milagro heart genre has resonated with my inspirational soul, for i find myself sketching more and more of them. not to mention finding myself stitching them as well...though, perhaps, not as quickly.

i still have a very long way to go with this one:  threadwhispering to do to the crown, the textured velvet heart, and beyond; perhaps some envisioned beadwork...but i thought to share the inception of this deep heart.

once again, it is encircled with french knots, with more to manifest. but beyond their reach there is an illusion.  one might, at first glance, think i've stolen into jude hill's wondrous studio and liberated some of her magic thread!  but i have not ransacked her treasures...this is but a deception. a delusion. call it instead a semblance filament...or a déjè vu strand.  it is actually a grey back stitch wrapped in black thread.  oh, but the quiet promise of her magic resides therein...lucky heart indeed!

but now, i must sleep...and dream of magic threads and hearts with endless depths...



  1. Beautiful Joe, I love milagro hearts and you have stitched them perfectly <3

  2. thank you, tallulah! i still have miles to go with them both...and a stack of conceptual sketches to explore in fabric and thread... i have the sense that this will be a rather long series...

  3. Your stitching is wonderful as always! I tried some by hand lately, but somehow I prefer machine. It's something about getting tangled up when I sew. lol

  4. thanks! i've always perferred the machine in the past...but have been more and more into handwork lately. for me, it's about slowing down and being more a part of what i'm doing. not that you can't do that with a machine...but i can't
